Blog #10

What did you do this past week?
I spent this past week getting accumulated to attending classes on Zoom. I truly related to all the memes I’ve been seeing on Facebook once classes started. Overall, I thought it was really strange working from home, and it was hard for me to take things seriously. Still, I had to keep it together and continue the grind, since I had three midterms this week, including Test #1b.
I’ve also been spending more time with my family and Facetiming friends to catch up with them, so that was nice. It sucks that we’re all not back in Austin in my opinion, but you have to make the most of it.
What’s in your way?
There’s nothing “in my way” per-se — rather, I’ve been focusing on trying to improve my work habits as the break continues. This is mainly to make life easier once I return to classes in the fall, so that I can enjoy catching up with friends without constantly having to worry about work. I’ve been trying to improve my habits for a long time, but I find it easier to do when I don’t have to worry about regular things like food, since I’m living at home.
What will you do next week?
Next week will be spent studying for and taking my Algo exam — I’m worried it’s going to be a tough one. Other than that, I want to get ahead on all my school work so that I can focus on personal projects.
What was your experience of Test #1b? (this question will vary, week to week)
I thought it was pretty chill. Proctorio disabled my clipboard functionality, but I didn’t think it was that big of an issue since (1) you could’ve split screened and (2) I was working along with my groupmates, so I never had to fully copy and paste code. From what I understand, we wouldn’t even have been able to copy and paste code in the tests if we took them in person, anyway. I do understand the concerns of other people, though, since I believe they wanted to be able to copy and paste code from one problem into another to base their next question off of.
What made you happy this week?
I was happy to see my friends again and be done with three midterms. Coming to terms with knowing that this Covid crisis would be going on for much longer than we all initially thought was helpful, too.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
Take some time to relax! The modern world has never met with a pandemic of this scale, so it’s OK if you’re not as productive as you usually are.