Blog #11

What did you do this past week?
I mainly spent this week studying for and taking my Algorithms midterm. I think it went well! Other than that, just the usual — homework, club work, and personal projects. I’m also currently learning React for some projects, which I find is pretty challenging. The nice part is that I had midterms for all my classes (except one, but midterms are now cancelled in that class) in the last two weeks, so I’m expecting the next few weeks to be nice and quiet.
What’s in your way?
There’s not much in my way, other than figuring out how React works and making progress on learning that skill.
What will you do next week?
Since I finished all my midterms, I’m expecting the next few weeks to be relatively tranquil. As a result, I plan to get ahead on all my work so that I don’t have to worry about it later on and I can just do whatever I want to for the next coming weeks.
What was your experience of SQL?
I’ve definitely been exposed to SQL many times, but I don’t have much experience actually working with it (though I will have to get somewhat familiar with it for some projects I’m working on). I’ve been putting it off because I feel like it’s one of those things that I’ll never learn properly — I’ll just end up Googling how to execute whichever simple query I want to execute. Plus, I don’t think I’ll be using any complex queries, anyway.
What was your experience of the ethics material?
I thought it was alright. While I think it’s very interesting to talk about the moral and ethical implications of up and coming technologies, I feel like as an individual, most discussions don’t have an impact on me, and they end up being too vague and indirect to be productive or conclusive.
What made you happy this week?
This week, I was happy to leave my house for the first time to see my friends (while maintaining proper social distance, of course). I’ve been hearing that the quarantine has been going well for my area (Bay Area) and that the number of coronavirus cases are dropping.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip of the week is to take this opportunity to learn a new skill, read a book or watch a movie you’ve wanted to for a while, or spend some quality time with your family.